Project: If you want to filter by project, use the domain of any Wikimedia project.
Access: If you want to filter by access method, use one of desktop, mobile-app or mobile-web. If you are interested in pageviews regardless of access method, use all-access.
Agent: If you want to filter by agent type, use one of user, automated or spider. If you are interested in pageviews regardless of agent type, use all-agents.
Article: The title of any article in the specified project. Any spaces should be replaced with underscores. It also should be URI-encoded, so that non-URI-safe characters like %, / or ? are accepted.
Start: The date of the first day to include, in YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDHH format.
End: The date of the last day to include, in YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDHH format.
Country: The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of a country for which to retrieve top articles.