Query: This parameter allows you to specify your search keywords to find the news articles you are looking for. The keywords will be used to return the most relevant articles. It is possible to use logical operators with keywords. - Phrase Search Operator: This operator allows you to make an exact search. Keywords surrounded by quotation marks are used to search for articles with the exact same keyword sequence. For example the query: "Apple iPhone" will return articles matching at least once this sequence of keywords. - Logical AND Operator: This operator allows you to make sure that several keywords are all used in the article search. By default the space character acts as an AND operator, it is possible to replace the space character by AND to obtain the same result. For example the query: Apple Microsoft is equivalent to Apple AND Microsoft - Logical OR Operator: This operator allows you to retrieve articles matching the keyword a or the keyword b. It is important to note that this operator has a higher precedence than the AND operator. For example the query: Apple OR Microsoft will return all articles matching the keyword Apple as well as all articles matching the keyword Microsoft - Logical NOT Operator: This operator allows you to remove from the results the articles corresponding to the specified keywords. To use it, you need to add NOT in front of each word or phrase surrounded by quotes. For example the query: Apple NOT iPhone will return all articles matching the keyword Apple but not the keyword iPhone